Back in the day families were generally large or I'd say huge by today's standards. My Mom, Anne, was third in a family of 12 siblings. I'd call this MULTIPLES.
Between 1920 and 1935 Iva Mae Quist gave birth to this amazing line up of 7 girls and 5 boys. This picture looks like it was taken about 1939. I knew all of these Aunts and Uncles pretty well...some were more like siblings to me. In looking at my Family Tree on Ancestry I thought this would be a good challenge and learning process for flesh out the info on this group.
Emma Lucille was the eldest, born in 1918, and the tallest. I remember her as being about 5'11". Emma was very pretty and outgoing. She had a husky ballad singing voice and was known to show up at local venues to sing some of the popular songs of the day like I'll Be Seeing You. I think Emma was a bit of a wild child. She married Charlie Huffhines in her mid twe
nties, divorced him, had some serious boyfriends, then joined the WACs (Women's Army Corp) in 1945. She was stationed in Weisbaden Germany and was unfortunately killed in a Jeep accident in 1945.
Geraldine Mae came along next. She, like the first 5 girls, was born in Iowa. Gerry was another dark haired pretty girl.
I think she worked as a maid when she was about 15 and she married George Nielsen in 1939 when she was 20. Gerry and George had a dairy farm on Route 21 just outside of Libertyville, Illinois. I loved to visit them when I was a young. They never had kids so they spoiled me and let me have the run of the farm. They were married for 15 years. George unfortunately died of a heart attack while out in the farm field. Gerry suffered from mental illness which as I remember it got worse after George died. Today she would have been treated with medication but back in the day she was a danger to herself and others. She was committed to a mental institution and, sadly, was never able to function out in the world.
She went to school, worked for the family and turned over her earnings to her Dad. She managed to complete her junior year in high school and then she met my Dad, Jim. He "rescued" her from her life of service and they married when she was 18. Mom graduated from high school in her thirties after attending night school. She was a voracious reader and enjoyed lending books to friends and then discussing them. When she died at age 94 she was still doing the cryptogram puzzle in the paper and writing letters to the editor.
Helen Marie joined her three younger sisters in Iowa in 1922. She and my Mom were very close growing up and into their young married years. Tom was in the Navy when they first met around 1942.
Helen, along with a couple of her sisters, worked the blood plasma line at Abbott Laboratories during the war years. Helen and her husband Tom built a house "across the field" from my Mom and Dad and were a constant part of my young life. To me, my Aunt Helen was the dreamer, the nature girl. She probably would have been a flower child if she'd been a teen in the 60s. Tom and Helen moved to Arizona around 1955. They had two sons, Chris and Dan, who sadly passed away in their midlife. I cannot imagine the grief Helen must have felt. As adults, my Mom, Helen and the next sister, Alice would get together and talk until the wee hours of the morning. I always wondered what they could talk about for so long but then they'd grown up like 3 peas in a pod. They knew each other VERY well.
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Alice Lavera, the fifth daughter, marched to a different drummer as I remember her. She spent a lot of time at our house as a young woman when she worked the plasma line at Abbott. I always admired that she and her sisters, Helen and Loretta had the most beautiful hair. They looked like movie stars. Alice was interested in flying so she got a pilot's license. I think she flew a few times but then decided it was not for her. She married Art Parmalee, a handsome sailor and they had four children, some more first cousins for me! Alice moved to Arizona around 1953 where she often played guitar and sang country music at local venues. She had a husky voice and sang great harmony. I'll bet she and Emma would have sounded great together.
I'll bet there was a lot of cheering when Edwin William arrived. He was born in Illinois after the family moved the five girls to be closer to father Carl's family. I remember Ed as a jokester. I was a bit afraid of him as a child. He served in the Navy for 2 years at the same time as his Dad who served as a ship's repairman. Ed married Bertha Lou and was a hard working Dad of 6. He and brothers Don and Rick could get a little crazy. My future hubby was afraid they would kidnap me the night before our wedding so he whisked me away for coffee at midnight to keep me safe. Sadly, Ed died at a very young age.
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