Week 25 Groups

My favorite group is my immediate family - 3 kids, 6 grandkids, 5 great grands and all their spouses. I'll be spending the next several days with this group so I'll hold off writing about that adventure. We're having a family reunion in Myrtle Creek, Oregon where Grandson Zachary lives. I'm excited to be with everyone to catch up and fill by emotional memory bank. Most of all I want to meet Baby Theo and hold my Great grandkids! How lucky am I?! Over the years I've been part of many groups - classmates, cousins, business partners, sororities, choirs, and church groups. I've moved in and out of many groups but the one consistent is THE GIRLS. Linda and I played together as toddlers so I've known her for 80 plus years. Next would be Maryann. Her Mom, along with Linda's and my Mom, formed the first kindergarten in our little town. Lynn and Carla joined us in the middle school years along with Pat C. and by High School we had Pat P. and Peggy. That's 8 o...