Favorite Photo

My Generations Cafe challenge for this week is Favorite Photo. I have thousands of photos! How can I pick one as a favorite? 60 years of photos-35mm, Polaroid, 4 x 6 prints! Lucky me- they are all digitized. When we were living full-time in the RV I spent many long hours scanning slides and pictures. I'm so glad I completed that project. As I think about this collection and about a photo that is meaningful from an ancestry point of view, my mind keeps coming back to this one. That little girl is me, about 5 years old, and that's my Dad, Jim McDearmid. We lived on a little farmette of 5 acres in Gurnee, Illinois. This was nearing the end of WWII and my parents were striving to provide all they needed for our family following the guidelines of Five Acres and Independence , a popular book at the time. It was kind of like Noah's Ark with a few of each animal to provide the food we needed, along with a Victory Garden. We had the goats for milk and cheese. I hated goats' m...